Artificial Intelligence & Data Science


The Department of "Artificial Intelligence and Data Science" was established in 2021 to impart knowledge sharing by domain experts, value-added courses and collaborative learning. It aims to prepare students to excel in data science through world-class infrastructure, a futuristic curriculum, comprehensive hands-on experience, and industry connect programs.
With the growing amount of data, every business considers data-driven decision-making. The UG Programme will lay a strong theoretical foundation that will enable the students to develop the customized data science algorithms required for deriving insights from large data sets.The Programme curriculum educates students on data-related skills such as Python-Statistical Programming, Predictive Analytics, and Data visualization. AI & DS department foresees indulging academic excellence with a broad range of employment opportunities. Design-oriented teaching will make the students as Data Scientists, Data Engineers, Data Analysts, Machine learning engineers, and Data Architects in the future with high salary packages and enable them to become entrepreneurs.

Mrs. P. Manjubala Head of the Department (AI&DS)